Our Programs

We send vulnerable children to school through paying school fees and providing scholastic materials like books, pens, pencils, shoes, uniforms, etc.
The costs of school fees, books, pens, uniform, pencils, shoes, etc. that a large number of vulnerable children have no hope of attending school. Poverty levels make it extremely difficult to develop any savings and often money for school fees is instead spent on greater needs such as food.
Education means opportunities and empowerment. Through supporting education, we are giving a children the mean to obtain necessary skills that will give them a better future in life.

5.Health care
Our clinic Taylor Memorial Clinic idea was initiated with the financial support of a volunteer and is located in Nakanyonyi, Jinja-Uganda.Primariary, it should provide better healthcare services to vulnerable families and to educate. Our services are unique,simple,some free, inexpensive that deliver high quality care through specialized services such as consultation, medical services,minior surgies,laboratory services, consoling and guidance.

Under this activity we support the HIV+ children, malnourished children enrolled on the program and their siblings with food supplements and also give education in schools about the importance of nutrition as well as demonstrating and encouraging them to grow vegetables.
2.Human rights and values
Under this program, we advocacy work for specific human rights issues, education and awareness campaigns, community engagement intiativties,promote human rights and participating in protests or demonstration.
3.Clean water
Under this activity, we educate the community and schools about sanitation and hygiene, provide safe water to vulnerable communities as well as cleaning the sources and constructing pit latrines.

6.Financial challenge
This program aims at imparting and empowering youth and women with non-formal and formal skills, self-help skills and entrepreneur skills in the operational area.
One activity is the skills training. Under this we empower youth and teenage mothers with skills in tailoring, crafts making (like shoes,necklaces,craft bags, baking and others).This in returns raises hands on skills hence creativity and innovativeness that leads to self-employment hence economic empowerments.
Another activity is empowerment skills. Here, capacities for women are to be created in order to improve their income and create independence.
We create local women's groups where they can exchange ideas and support each other in order to create a more positive attitude towards life.
The women do micro saving every week, which is borrowed by the members to boost their businesses.

4.Climate change and environment
Under this program, we carry a huge tree plantation campaign within the community, institutions and children who are taking it upon themselves to plant at least a fruit tree per child and we trains children in schools who will became highly aware of climate change issues.
We also gives an emphasis on children and their education as regard climate change and the importance of taking action.

7.Sustainable organic Agriculture
Sustainable organic Agriculture is described as an approach to agricultural production which minimizes or excludes the use of Agro-Chemicals in favor of using natural alternative products within an individual's farm.
The major advantage of using organic products in farming include minimization of adverse aspects associated with inorganic chemical e.g. retention of residues in food, avoidance of resistance of various pests to chemicals as well as non-encountering of exorbitant costs of inorganic chemicals.
Therefore, this program is done through training and encouraging peasant farmers to adopt sustainable organic farming.