About us

African Friends Service Community (AFSCO)  is a community based Organisation working in Jinja District-Uganda and it was founded in 2010.

AFSCO is committed to transforming communities by addressing the financial challenges, climate change and environment, and to prosper with access to good health care, education, rights and values,Agriculture,nutrition, & clean water.


All vulnerable persons groups in Jinja District enjoying their rights, manage environment, being protected and cared for and poverty free community with increased capacity to sustain themselves.


To improve on the life of the vulnerable persons in the community through climate changes for sustainable development, combating environmental, economic, psycho-social, advocacy and legal support.


To extend specific services to the vulnerable persons in the community of Jinja District.

Organization's Objectives

  • To undertake an economic enterprise to wealth of the community.
  • To support vulnerable children through provision of educational facilities.
  • To support and foster improved life skill training and knowledge on sustainable organic agriculture in the community and schools for improved nutrition and household income.
  • To empower community by providing employment opportunities.
  • To promote effective gender based practices, human rights, food and agricultural policies.
  • To set up a saving fund to help community save and lend, to enhance communities' income levels.
  • To increase psycho social and legal support for children, women and disabled persons.
  • To increase communities' access to credit and other services including external loans, seed capital, grants among others

To support the community through provision of clean water and good health care.

  • To undertake any such activities such as training and receiving advisory services to the benefit of the Association and its community.
  • To promote, lobby and advocate for efficient natural resources conservation and unitization to improve vulnerable person's welfare and conserve the environment and its eco-function.

Learn about our uniquely designed projects.

We also have a rich history of creating our own projects that rely on innovative approaches to solving long-standing, entrenched social & economic problems. We believe that problems are best solved with compassionate listening to those directly living the issues, and in building action-oriented partnerships based on trust and mutual cooperation to achieve new goals.

As an organization, we have served as change leaders on a number of societal issues that impact the children, and relish a challenge to change outdated paradigms & usher in new ways that benefit & elevate all. We are proud of our strong work ethic, our compassionate dedication to children & communities, and our "can-do" spirit.

We deliver high-quality work in an efficient and well-organized manner that is effective and result-oriented. Our guiding principles are honesty, transparency, and service.

Your Partnership is welcome.

Whether it is to fulfill your Project needs or to Support us in our own uniquely designed Programs - together as One we can Create Change for the Better.

 We're a not-for-profit organization 
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